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Submission Guidelines

Learn more about what kinds of content is appropriate for submission to the Tiny Table Index

If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions for these guidelines, please use the Feedback button at the bottom of your screen to let me know.


  1. Games must be designed for solo play, duet play (two players), or include specific solo/duet rules and mechanics within a larger group game. Games solely built for larger groups without baked-in solo or duet rules will not be accepted.
  2. Both physical and digital games are eligible for submission.
  3. Games must be complete and playable. We do not accept work-in-progress or incomplete games.

Required Information

  1. Game Name: The full name of the game as represented on it's marketplace or website
  2. Publisher's Name: The name of the person or publisher who created this game (Not the name of the marketplace the game was published on, eg "Graycastle Press", not "")
  3. Description: A relatively brief (less than 5,000 characters) description of the game. Note that on the submission form you can use valid markdown to add basic styling to the game's description.
  4. Format(s): Which formats the game is available in
  5. Player Count: Whether the game has rules for solo play, duet play, or more. Note that any games marked as having rules for three or more players but NOT with rules for solo and/or duet play will not be accepted.
  6. Price Type: Whether this game is free, paid, or pay what you want. Currently limited to only one selection per game.
  7. Languages: Which languages the game is available in.
  8. Age Ratings: Which ESRB age ranges the game is appropriate for.
  9. Campaign Type(s): Whether this game is meant for a single session, a serial campaign, or some other type of "campaign" structure.

Submission Process

  1. Use the submission form on our website to enter all required information.
  2. Double-check your submission for accuracy and completeness.
  3. Submit only one game per form. For multiple games, please use separate submissions.
  4. An administrator will review your submission within 5-7 business days.
  5. You will receive an email notification once your game has been approved and added to the directory.

Guidelines for Acceptance

  1. Games must meet all eligibility requirements.
  2. Games must align with our focus on solo and duet play.
  3. Submissions must be complete and accurate.
  4. Games should be original works or have proper licensing for derivative works.
  5. We reserve the right to refuse any submission that doesn't meet our quality standards or violates our community guidelines.
Tiny Table Index

The internet's new definitive directory of solo and duet tabletop roleplaying games, their supplements, and the external tools made for them. Index entries are submitted by the passionate community that makes these games so special.